From the comments people made on the class feedback we made further changes to both the CD cover and the advert the changes made has been changing the HMV logo and removing the white to give it a more professional look. We removed the hmv dog logo in the top right hand corner to make a slight change and not make an exact replica of the advert, we also added a glow to the Sssssssh in the left hand corner so it has more of a link to the CD cover The changes made to the CD cover was brightening up the words on the back of the CD cover to make them easier to read by uasing the bright colousrs brings more of a connection to the front cover. On the front cover we swapped the artist name and the album name so the artis name stands out and changer the colours around and added a black glow to the artist name so there was a graduation from the colour into the black or visa versa.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011