Thursday, 27 January 2011


1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our CD cover challenges the stereotypical CD cover by having colour at the front and black and white at the back instead of colour with colour, black and white with black and white or even colour with colour washout. We have used the convention of featuring the artist on the front cover. Also our video challenges forms and conventions because usually the other love interest is always a male not a female and they are always older people not in college going through this even though it happens in real life it is a kind of taboo subject, even when katy perry did her song it was her having fun not going into a serious love relationship.

2.) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We used bright colours to make the CD case stand out amoung othe CD, we also used colour on the advert so it fits in with the magazine but we also made the out line harsher so that it stands out. We thought about how it would stand out in a music store among the other CD's or the corner stands so people would stop and possibly buy the album.

3.) What have you learned from you audience feedback?

* What i have learnt from the audience for the music video is that the fonts and texts were quite poor.So we are going to make changer to how the title looks. we are going to experiment and decide which looks the best and insert into the production. Also another way it can be improved is the framing of one of the shots we need to fix it or cut and replace with a different shot. This has told us more editing has to be done to the prodution.
* On the audience feedback we were told that the writing on the CD cover was to dark and blended in with the background to change this we are going to experiment with different colours to see with stand out the most, we were also told that the words on the front cover are plain and dont stand out enough and ther are confused by which is the artist and which is the album name.
* People said they like the fact we used the same person in the music video and on both of the print artfacts because it keeps the consistency of seeing both as you would find with most music artists.
* Another positive feedback in the print artefacts was that they liked the manipulation of colour on the CD from the picture on the right hand side to the painted look on the CD cover
* Another feedback we had was divided between those observing some liked the contrast between the front and back cover to change this we added a black glow around the artist name so it eases more into the colour and looks less harsh.

4.) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For the first part of the planning stages we had create a blog on or create a second one off our AS blog. We then Had to add templates this year was different because i took templates of another site and added to my blog, we did some research into the different genres using wikipedia and google. We also uploaded pictures and embedded videos to accompany posts we used sites sucha as metroclub and youtube.
We filmed the production using mini DV cameras and a tape, we logged and captured using Adobe Final Cut Pro this program allowed us to add effects and transitions to the timeline allowing me to change the image. At first we did not use Live Type 2 to create our title we used the function on Final Cut Pro, but after the audience feedback we used it to create movement in out words, we used the import on Final Cut Pro to insert the mp3 song to add to the timeline and sync the video with the words of the song.
Print Artefacts
We took photos using a 5mp mobile camera, printed the photo onto photopaper and scanned on to the computer to use for the poster and imported into photoshop to edit by changing the lines and sharpening the image. We manipulated the image in photoshop by adding layers and inserting word and logos and using the eraser to remover white from around some logos and manipulating some words by adding a glow around. On the Cd cover we used both Pages and Photoshop by editing the images on photoshop by changing the tecture of the images and changing the Words and copying and arranging on Pages, we used pictures from the time line to create the CD cover.
We used technology to write up the blog by freeze framing "still images" from our final cut pro production and inserting it into out post to highlight points made in our blog also using blogspot to create and upload our evaluation.